Schedule a reading


An astrological chart reading will help you understand your strengths, challenges and life purpose (your birth chart is very clear on what you were born to do). Your birth chart is also a roadmap that reveals turning points as your life unfolds.  If your birthday is coming up, it’s a good time to schedule a Solar Return reading. A Solar Return will help you plan your year ahead.

If you need specific questions answered like:

  • Should I buy this house?

  • Does he love me?

  • Should I work with a partner on this project?

I recommend a HORARY chart reading or a TAROT reading. 

For astrologers please note I work with the WHOLE HOUSE system for all readings except for HORARY. 

astrology chart #birthchart
I haven’t had a reading for many years and at this stage of my life I thought it was time to have a reading and I am so thankful I did. Sometimes we know the answers to the questions we have but having inspiring guidance is so helpful. I am so happy to have met Yolanda and I am so excited for my next steps in life. I am also grateful to be able to check in with Yolanda for further inspiration and guidance. Thank-you again!
— Shawn Nisbet


Book your TAROT reading by completing the below contact form and completing payment.

A photograph of the cards drawn and a written prediction will be emailed to you.

I will read your cards within 12 hours of receipt of payment.

I read primarily with the MARSEILLES and LENORMAND decks. If you have a preference please let me know.

Step 1:

Choose ONE of the following options:



Step 2:

Make payment (button below)

Step 3:

Complete the below form. Please make sure you submit your questions.

Thank you!