Spells for any day of the week

Evelyn De Morgan, The Love Potion, 1903, De Morgan Collection

Hence, by the Heavens we may foreknow

The seasons all; times for to reap and sow,

And when ‘tis fit to launch into the deep,

And when to war, and when in peace to sleep;

And when to dig up trees, and them again

to set, that they may bring forth amain.

- Three Books of Occult Philosophy (pg 3)

The success of your creations and spells depends on a number of factors but the Moon’s phase, position in the sky and the day of the week are of primary importance.

Knowledge of lunar rhythms was an established tool used by our ancestors and it is how they were able to feed themselves and their families. Our ancestors knew that following the Moon not only reaped higher quality crops but also sped up healing and resulted in an abundance of blessings.

When you work a spell, you are working with a certain quality of Time. That quality may be one of decrease or it may be one of increase.

From New Moon to Full Moon the Moon is in her waxing phase. The Moon’s light increases as she waxes and this translates to increase and build up of energy and production. You work spells for gain during a waxing Moon.

From Full Moon to New Moon the Moon is in her waning phase. The Moon’s light decreases as she wanes and this translates to decrease and a slowing down in activity. You work spells for dissolution, elimination and protection during a waning Moon.

Follow the Moon’s phases here.

In her 28 day orbit of the Earth, the Moon journeys through the zodiac signs. She takes on the qualities of the zodiac sign she is in because she is like a mirror. The influence of the Moon for example in Virgo is very different from Moon in Aries. In Virgo, an Earth sign, the Moon favours gardening and working with your hands but also any work that is methodical - because Virgo is an analytical, practical and hard-working sign.

Furthermore, the day of the week should also be considered before you cast a spell. Of course, this is not always possible or practical when you require fast cash or you need to make an impression at short notice. However, if you plan ahead, you increase your chances of success.

Days of the week and their planetary rulers

Sunrise to Sunset

Sunday is ruled by the Sun.

Monday is ruled by the Moon.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter.

Friday is ruled by Venus.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn.

Sunset to Sunrise

Sunday night is ruled by Jupiter

Monday night is ruled by Venus

Tuesday night is ruled by Saturn

Wednesday night is ruled by the Sun

Thursday night is ruled by Moon

Friday night is ruled by Mars

Saturday night is ruled by Mercury

I have created a handy PDF for you that will assist you in planning your monthly witchery :)



Kuan Yin - Always Helpful Protectress